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Fake Lies!

    "So, what do you think of President Cain?"

    Emphatically, "I think he's doing a good job."


    "He sure knows how to speak his mind. More than most of them silly politicians up there. Why, what do you think of him?"

        "I uh, I don't like the way he says things that make people hate each other."

    "You don't say…"

        "I guess I just did. Hateful remarks like his don't do anybody any good. They consign the hated and unhated to hostile camps, then they'll likely do a lot less for each other if they had the chance, so why do it?"


        "Take you and me. If we had good thoughts about each other, we'd probably be friends. But if somebody puts an idea in your head and mine that makes you hate me and me hate you, we're gonna think less of each other. And if that happens here and there a few million times across the country, think of how much less everyone'll want to help each other if they had the chance."



"Here it is pertinent to ask, why is all this so relevant in light of the present debate? It is this, Mr. Boister. When faced with the tensions of the day, it is exceedingly difficult for one to imagine what life was like in this nation more than two long centuries ago, when our citizenry in the space of one decade became manacled by a repression administered from the far side of the Atlantic. When We the People finally said we have had enough, it took seven long dreadful years of bitter war to restore the freedom they once enjoyed. Imagine our citizenry today having to endure that same dreadful span of shackling and slaughter all over again!

        "Here our forefathers had an advantage over us: They learned of freedom by having to endure its opposite. As such we do not know it so well, so we are not so aware of its benefits and what we would lose by its absence. But we can learn much of our forefathers' sufferings by reading their histories and experiencing by association how they struggled to replace the fright of repression with the joy of freedom. Then We the People of today may come to ask: Is the mere removal of one evildoer so small a price to pay to discourage years of horror involving millions of our numbers from happening again? This is what we representatives of our citizenry have been deliberating for three seemingly long but in the great scheme of things three very short weeks.

        "So I end by saying to all of my esteemed colleagues seated in this august chamber: Several years of history may be condensed to a page in a book, but history is written every day, and today is one of its epochal days!"